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Could Nasal Biopharmaceutics models help you pick a winner?

An APS workshop titled Nasal Biopharmaceutics: fit for current and future drug delivery needs? took place on 7th December 2022 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, before the main Drug Delivery to the Lung (DDL2022) conference.

The symposium featured thought-provoking short talks summarising how we currently assess the biopharmaceutical properties and performance of nasal products with a focus on new developments and unmet needs. This was followed by a facilitated panel discussion to explore current practices, opportunities and challenges in these areas, chaired by Ben Forbes (Kings College London).

Presenters covered a range of topics including in vitro systems for particle deposition and mucociliary clearance, through preclinical formulation assessment and on to human clinical studies. Seda’s Claire Patterson presented insights into the current status and potential utility of in silico mathematical models in nasal formulation design (Click here to view Claire’s slides).

You can view the presentation slides from all the presenters by clicking the following link:

APS Workshop at DDL2022 – NASAL BIOPHARMACEUTICS: fit for current and future drug delivery needs? – DDL (

This meeting represented an opportunity to bring together members of the scientific community across industry and academia to discuss specific biopharmaceutics challenges around the development of nasally administered therapies. Aims of the symposium included exploring the need for a network for regular meetings and collaboration, and the development of a consensus of the state-of-the–art in nasal biopharmaceutics.

The panel comprised Regina Scherließ (Kiel University), Claire Patterson (Seda), Andrew Martin (University of Alberta), Alison Lansley (University of Brighton), Helen Palmer (Labcorp), Chris Roe (Quotient)

The members of the panel are currently in the process of authoring a review article summarizing the output of the workshop.

Please contact Claire Patterson for information on how Seda could help you pick a winning formulation for your next nasal drug delivery programme.